Year 5.
Class Teacher = Mrs Balson
Teaching & Learning Support = Mrs Bailey & Mrs Ball
PPA Cover = Mrs Ball & Madame Spence
Spellings will be sent out on Monday each week and will be tested the following Monday.
Reading - Please can all children aim to read every day, or a minimum of 3 times per week.
Times tables - Please practice all times tables. In Year 5 all times tables should be known.
P.E. - Year 5's P.E. day is Wednesday. Children will need full P.E. kit - Blue shorts, white t-shirt & black pumps
If you have any questions or queries, you can contact me either over the app or at
Class Prayer
Dear God,
Give us strength in all we do and help us to reach our highest potential in life,
We hope you will protect us along the way.
Guide us to achieve all the virtues with pride and consistency.
Encourage us to always be honest and give us the strength to work hard and motivate us in achieving Your love.