Year 6

Year 6

Welcome to our class page!

Class teacher- Mr Ruane

Teaching support- Mrs Hale

Spellings- These will be sent out on Monday each week and will be tested on a Friday morning

Reading- Everyone should read at least three times a week. Reading diaries are checked every Tuesday

Arithmetic- In Year 6 we practice this every day. The children will receive 6 questions a day to complete at home. We do an Arithmetic test on a Friday morning.

PE- From September to February we will be going swimming on a Monday afternoon so the children will need their swimming costume and a towel. Our PE day in school is Wednesday. The PE kit is a plain white t-shirt, navy blue shorts and black pumps

If you have any questions or you would like to speak to me, please use the app or email at



Our Class Prayer

Our Lady, Queen of Heaven,

Thank you for our families, friends and teacher who support us, make us happy and have always kept us safe in our adventures in life.

Help us to be servants as you were and carry the life of Jesus within us always.

Help us to know your son better and to follow in his footsteps.

Help us to become more caring and loving people and to be more patient towards each other.

Help us to always see the best path to pick and may you help us stay safe and work hard.

Together, we shall help each other to achieve in God’s love.
