Re-opening of the school in the Autumn term.

The government has said that all children must return to school in September.

Nursery and Reception class children have their own personal start dates but the rest of the school will start on Monday 7th September. 

We will be having staggered drop off and pick up times. 



Start time 

Finish time 

Nursery (am)

Nursery entrance

8.30- 8.45

11.15- 11.30 

Nursery (pm)

Nursery entrance 

12.30- 12.45



Reception Entrance 



Year 1

Playground door



Year 2

Playground door



Year 3

Main Office entrance



Year 4

Hall Entrance



Year 5

Hall Entrance



Year 6

Office entrance 




Please don't be late!!!  We need the time to catch up.

If you have children in different classes we understand that these time may be difficult but we may be able to find a time for you to drop off all at once. Please get in touch if you need to.

Please remember that this pandemic is not over.

If your child has covid symptoms please don't bring them to school or if someone in your household or that you have met has tested positive for covid 19, then you will need to isolate as a family for 14 days. If you have symptoms then you need to get tested. The quickest way is through drive through testing where results can be back within a day. Postal testing is too slow. 

If a child or member of staff tests positive, the whole of their class will be sent home and will have to self isolate for 7 days and the classroom will be deep cleaned. In the event of this, your child will be given a full timetable of work that they must complete at home. All classes from year 1 upwards will have access to google classrooms for work. Work for Early Years (Nursery and Reception) will be delivered via Early Essence.

If more than a couple of children or staff test positive then the whole school will need to close for deep cleaning and we will move to online learning. 

The expectation is that all children must engage with the online learning. If you have any problems with this then please contact us.

This is how we keep everyone safe:


  • We will expect full uniform (Definitely no trainers or shoes that look like trainers.)
  • Please wash uniform as often as you can

  • No fashion haircuts or hair dye

  • No Jewellery 

  • On the day your child does PE they will need to wear black jogging bottoms to school so they don't need to change. But they should wear their school shoes not trainers. They should still wear the school jumper and T-shirt as normal.

  • Your child will need a pump bag with pumps in. 


What can my child bring to school 

  • We will provide plastic reading book bags that are easy to wipe clean. Reading books will come home on a Monday and you will bring them back on a Friday. This will mean the books will not be touched over the weekend and will be ready for use on a Monday. 

  • Money for dinners, breakfast club and trips will be collected via ParentPay. 


  • We will be having a staggered start and finish for each class as outlined in government guidance. 

  • Children will wash their hands on entry, exit to the school and regularly throughout the day.

  • Toilets and classrooms will be cleaned throughout the day.

  • One adult drops off and picks your child/children from school.

  • Please follow the school one way system and arrows. 

  • There will be a lot of people on site and we need to keep everyone safe from Covid. Please don't come too early or too late. Try not to stand and chat on site. 

  • Please keep a 2 metre distance from school staff. 

  • All assemblies will be via google online as we can not meet together in the hall. 

  • The playground will be split into three sections and the classes will have staggered breaks and dinners.



Before and after school care.

  • There will be a breakfast club but you will need to book a place by Friday morning the week before through MyEd or ringing the office. £2 per child or £3 per family, per day. You must pay via ParentPay. Children will be sat in bubble groups in the hall. Anyone who can't follow the rules will not be allowed to attend.

  • There will be some sports and music clubs but they will be run in class bubble groups to begin with.

  • There will no longer be extended hours for key workers children unless we lockdown again. 



  • Children can bring sandwich boxes.

  • Dinners will be served in classrooms except for Reception class, who will eat in the hall.

  • There will be no food vouchers as all children must be back in school.


  • The behaviour policy has changed. Any child unable to comply with keeping in their class bubble will be sent home. 

If your child is struggling with returning to school or you think they may need help with their transition into the next class then please contact us and staff will help with their return. 

A further health and safety letter will be sent out and our risk assessments will be put on the website.

If you have any questions, please contact us via the MyEd app.