I Collect


We believe that all children in Keighley should have many wonderful and varied opportunities and experiences. Before they leave our schools, they should have had an adventure and many varied first-hand experiences that will support and develop their learning. We plan for as many opportunities as possible for all pupils to experience cultural capital enhancements in a variety of forms e.g. a visitor to school, an external visit, a community projects. We recognise that to have impact, the planned enhancements must ensure that the children are able to make links further down the line with the knowledge and skills they acquired during their school days. We will give the children the opportunity to become well rounded citizens who can contribute positively to our society.


I Collect is a project that we have developed as Keighley Schools Together, funded by the Opportunity Area.


When children have had these experiences, they record them in their I Collect journals, thus collecting a record that they will be able to recall, reflect upon and treasure forever.


 Below are the experiences that we offer, plus an introductory video from Mr Devlin.