Mini Vinnies

Our Mini Vinnies this year are:

Mia, Adnan, Matilda, Ayat, Zaina, Zoya & Kamran



Our Mini-Vinnies group is open to all children in Key Stage Two as long as they are willing to commit themselves to the development of others and the community. 

They are a part of a group based on the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, which is committed to fighting poverty. 

Our Mini-Vinnies take charge in our yearly collections to help the Salvation Army and our neighbouring Good Shepherd Centre to collect food for families in our community. 

Our Mini-Vinnies singing at the local residential home and also serving food and entertaining members of the Good Shepherd Centre.

Our Mini-Vinnies assisting our RE Council to lead our Stations of the Cross

This Year, our Mini Vinnies collected all our donations from our Harvest Festival and delivered them to The Good Shepherd Centre.