Our Mission & RE Curriculum
Mission Statement:
We are committed to developing a diverse community of excellence driven by the values of love, forgiveness, trust and acceptance.
With Christ at the centre of all learning we will inspire every individual to have the confidence to develop their unique potential and be a responsible, effective member of society.
We offer a school that is: safe, creative and exciting. Together we will achieve in God’s love.
“Achieving Together In God’s Love”
‘The aim of Catholic education is to draw out of all people their God-given potential to enable them to fulfill their unique role in society.’
Core principles - Blessed Christopher Wharton Trust.
Our Primary aims:
- to promote knowledge and understanding of Catholic faith and life.
- Children will meet the Diocesan Standards for Primary Religious Education, which will be taught by highly qualified staff who will engage children’s intellect, heart and imagination, inspiring enthusiasm and interest in RE.
- to promote the unique and individual talents of each child and ensure that they reach their full potential.
- to promote the skills required to engage in examination of and reflection upon religious belief and practice.
- to promote a close relationship between home, school and parish.
As a School of Love and Opportunity, we believe that all learning should be adapted to the needs of all children (SEN, EAL, more able, disadvantaged) and that the curriculum should be carefully planned to take account of everyone in the class so that all can succeed.
Programme of Study:
To fulfil the above aims and to address the 4 areas of study outlined in the Curriculum Directory – Revelation, Church, Celebration and Life in Christ - The Way, The Truth and The Life programme is used as recommended by the Diocese.
From 2019 we also follow the Diocese implementation of the “Virtues to live by” a collection of Virtues that coincide with the Church Year that are taught throughout the 3 terms. Children learn about the Virtues, links to the Bible, Jesus’ teachings and their everyday life. Through Liturgies, assemblies, collective worship and circle time they explore these virtues and are commended for living them in their daily lives. We aim to teach our children to display virtues to others and carry out our Mission.
Link to the Virtue site : https://www.virtuestoliveby.org/
All the planning for each year group, with key I can statements can be found here : https://www.dioceseofleeds.org.uk/education/education/primary
Other Faiths
We also hold special days/ weeks around certain religious festivals to make aware their importance i.e Diwali, Eid.
The impact of RE in Our Lady of Victories is that all our children will use the lessons and virtues taught to enable them to become ‘Confident and effective members of society.’ Mission Statement.
We have a KS2 RE council that are vocal across school and lead Worships and key events through the Church year - Remembrance Day, leading the Rosary, Advent and Lent.
Close links with the Church and Father McCreadie show children are involved in the Parish. We have a school choir that sing at Parish Masses; Class Masses where each class in KS2 is invited to bring their families to Mass on Sunday; parish events ( i.e Christmas Dinner/ Summer Fair) We celebrate key dates : Our Lady’s Birthday; Trust day; May Devotion; Blessed Christopher Wharton in November; showing the whole Ethos is ever present, highly visual and the Virtues we teach are continuous throughout the year.
Friends of OLV : our Parent group is a strong supporter of the school. The aim is to share with parents their children’s love of RE and make strong links within the Parish and Community.