Our Lady of Victories, St. Anne's and St. Joseph's.
We work very closely with our partner schools, St. Anne's and St. Joseph's. Staff work together, children learn together. We even go to Paris together! We share an Executive Head, Mr Devlin.
Below is our joint vision and the Key Performance Indicators which we use to judge our successes.
A Joint Vision
We are working towards a FUTURE where we...
- Worship God, knowing we are loved and special
- Work on behalf of each other
- Learn with and from one another
- Have a reputation for nurture, love and hard work
- Have high standards, high creativity, high adventure
- Create opportunities for all staff to grow and develop
- Have great learning behaviour, great friendship and care
- Have pride in our schools
- Engage with our parents, our Catholic parishes, our community
- Develop confident learners, happy learners, prepared learners
- See children reach their potential
- Show children how to improve and accomplish
- Have two great Catholic Schools, unique but not unalike (siblings)
We will :
Be ambitious for the higher gifts
Achieve together in God’s love
Build a community of excellence
Key Performance Indicators.
- Attainment to at least match national at KS2
- Progress to at least match national at KS2
- The gap between disadvantaged, LAC, EAL and SEND and other children (on the above two measures) to be below the national average.
- Rising trends at EYFS, Phonics and KS1
- Surplus budgets in both academies
- Attendance to at least match national
- Staff attendance to be in line with pupil attendance
- Behaviour and personal development to be outstanding
- Ofsted and S48 judgements to be at least good
- Teaching and learning to be good or better in every class